The fast and creative assembly system

Innovative assembly system
As a constructions toy, you can easily create your own furntiure. The connector lets you join any kind of panel of thickness between 16 and 19 mm. No need to drill, the fixing is done with a simple Allen key.
Save time, don't drill and create infinite combinations
You can find several materials of thickness between 16 and 19 mm. Customize your own furniture.
A special plastic reinforced with glass fibers to support a considerable load capacity.
Our connectors are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, they easily tolerate humidity and UV without loosing color.
We provide instructions, files and much more. A full support to your design activity.

Made in Italy
We directly follow the whole production of our connectors, respecting the environment. We use the best materials to guarantee safety and duration in time. The special reinforced plastic ensures a resistance like metal one.

Recyclable and versatile
Assemble different materials. Reconfigure your own furniture combining more times the panels used. We believe in a sustainable and functional design, where the product respects the environment. Without giving up on aestethics and practicality.
Creating furniture it has never been so easy. You are the designer.

Do It Yourself projects
Many examples, tutorials and case histories to use as inspiration for amusing projects to furnish your house, shop or office.

Business solutions & designs
An open library, entirely dedicated to furniture for professionals. Develop your own project with our designs or contact us to receive a customized furniture based on your needs.